Fred & Kasandra O'Brien

Fred & Kasandra O'Brien

  • Country Dominican Republic
The O’Briens have been serving as missionaries in Constanza, Dominican Republic since September 2011. Their two older sons, Giovanni and Samuel, are studying stateside while Miranda and Emily are homeschooled.

Fred and Kasandra are directors of the Ark. The Ark provides Christian homes for orphaned, abandoned, abused, and at-risk children. Four of the homes are designated as safe havens for many children. Each home is parented by married couples who devote their lives to be models of a Christian family. To equip parents to better help the children, Kasandra has become a Trauma Competent Caregiver Instructor and is qualified to certify others as Trauma Competent Caregivers. She helps to provide this training to other Kids Alive sites in the Dominican Republic.

The O’Briens support the Constanza School and Club Connect. The school serves the neediest children in the community providing quality education from preschool to sixth grade. Club Connect allows students who have graduated from our school to continue their spiritual growth and be eligible for college assistance.

They also host approximately twenty service teams per year. The service teams bless the ministry with their vocational talents, donations, and most of all, the love of Christ they share with our ministry children and staff.

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