Jeremy, Sara, and their four children have served with Kids Alive Lebanon since 2012. In the early part of 2022, they transitioned to the U.S. for home assignment at the Kids Alive International office in Alpharetta, Georgia.
Jeremy works in Human Resources as an HR Development Specialist. This position provides additional training after receiving his M.A. in HR Development from Texas A&M. Sara studies remotely with the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary working on her graduate degree.
Their four amazing kids, Thad, Chandler, Ella, and Abigail attend a local private school, where they participate in projects and making new friends!
This home assignment will also provide rest, healing, and time to learn the Lord’s will for their family and ministry. The Bouchers plan to return to Lebanon in September 2022 just before the beginning of the next school year.
Please ask God for a fruitful six months, for growth and joy for their children, and for purpose-filled steps throughout their home assignment in International Office.