Nikki Jacobson

Nikki Jacobson

  • Country Guatemala
Nikki is from Hudson, Wisconsin and serves on the Spiritual Development team at the Oasis children's home in San Lucas, Guatemala. She was introduced to Kids Alive through Rachel, a Kids Alive missionary in the Dominican Republic, and started to serve with the ministry in the summer of 2023. Though Nikki only started serving at Oasis in 2023, she has been in full time ministry in Guatemala since the fall of 2021. Nikki works along side the Spiritual Development coordinator at Oasis in fostering spaces for both the children and house moms to grow in and develop their own relationship with Jesus. She is passionate that all would know, love, and have a relationship with the one true God. While also working in full time ministry, Nikki is also a full time online student through Liberty University, and is finishing her bachelor's degree in Social Work. She has dreams of serving on the Familias Juntas team at Oasis one day, and has high hopes for what God will use her for in ministry through her degree one day.

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