Travis Dyck

Travis Dyck

  • Country Guatemala

Travis grew up on the prairies of Manitoba, Canada. He first visited Guatemala in high school and fell in love with the people and the culture. He connected with Kids Alive in 2016 while teaching English at a nearby school in Guatemala. Now he is an employee of Multi- Nation Missions Foundation, a Canadian charitable organization that partners with Kids Alive.

While spending time at Oasis, Travis was moved not only by the deep hurt of the rescued girls, but also by their resilience and hope as they pursue justice and healing. Since then, he has completed a Bachelor of Business Administration at Canadian Mennonite University and felt the Lord’s call to return to Guatemala and serve with Kids Alive at Oasis. His desire is to see hurting young women grow into their full potential through understanding the deep love that God has for them as His daughters. He hopes to provide opportunity for them to obtain the practical skills needed for success. He teaches English to the residents, graduates, and program staff. He also contributes to business initiatives that benefit Oasis graduates by providing support, focused growth, and strategic direction.

Outside of ministry, you can usually find Travis under the hood of a car or riding backroads on his motorcycle. He loves God’s simple command in Micah 6:8 to seek justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.

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