Corey Farr

Corey Farr

  • Country Lebanon
Corey grew up in New Hampshire, where he served in youth ministry for six years. In 2015, he moved to Chicago to pursue his M.Div and Master’s in New Testament Studies at Northern Seminary. In June 2018 he visited Lebanon for the first time as part of his internship with a local group working with refugees. The first stop on the trip was Kids Alive Lebanon. During this visit, Corey felt an unmistakable and completely unexpected word from God: "This is where you are supposed to be."

Corey has lived on campus at Kids Alive Lebanon since September 2019. Although he never imagined he'd be working with younger kids, God gave him an overwhelming passion and love for the residential boys and school students. There are countless challenges in working with traumatized children, and every day brings a new and unexpected complication; but for every moment of frustration and mourning, there are a dozen more of gratitude for the opportunity to play a tiny role in bringing peace and security to their lives.

Corey serves as on-site staff for the residential program as well as the English and homeroom teacher for grade four in the school. This year, he is implementing a new cognitive development program called Equipping Minds with a few small groups of students with serious learning difficulties.

When he's not teaching, tutoring, supervising, or taking a much-needed nap, Corey is working on slowly developing his freelance career as a film and video game music composer. You can listen to his cinematic orchestral cover of Hillsong's Oceans here:

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