Santo Domingo North Site Donation

Santo Domingo North Site Donation

You can give to the ministry at Santo Domingo North and change children’s lives!

Extreme poverty and lack of commitment to education typically prevent many children from ever attending school. Even those that want to go are often excluded because of a lack of proper identification or government recognition, usually because their parents are not citizens, or because they were born to child-moms.

A missionary couple was moved by the need for a school for these forgotten children and determined to provide them with a quality, Christ-centered education. Santo Domingo North is now an established school, serving 210 children up through 6th grade.

We have recently purchased new curriculum to help with our academic enrichment and added a psychologist to help us serve the most difficult cases we face. Soon we hope to add a daily lunch for the neediest children, provide intensive trauma training for teachers, and purchase more property that will allow for better educational and recreational opportunities.

Support he ministry of Santo Domingo North with your gift today!

My Gift to Support a Child

  • $50.00
  • $100.00
  • $250.00
  • $500.00
  • Other$

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