Kids Alive Boys' Home

Kids Alive Boys' Home

Located near Mt. Kenya, the Kids Alive Boys’ Home provides residential care to nearly 70 boys between the ages of 4 and 18. There are three houses where all of them experience a loving, stable home environment. Each boy attends a local school and most of them graduate from high school.

Boys in this home come from all over the country and a good number came from the streets, having run away from extreme circumstances. Due to their previous lifestyles in the streets, many of them are HIV-positive. All have a need for stability and healing from past difficulties.

In addition to education, they have opportunities to be involved in sports, music, and other activities, which help them to become well-rounded individuals. Kids Alive facilitates skill-building that will be valuable to them when they leave our residential care and live independently. Various farming activities, especially dairy farming, are a primary way the boys learn real-life responsibility.

An important part of helping the boys is working with the government to identify their families and support them as they build relationships with carefully identified relatives. This is critical for purposes of personal identity (a cultural necessity) and support as they fit back into their communities.

The Home also organizes a community program, providing education to children of needy families from the surrounding communities. Our goal is to care for as many children as we can, sharing the good news of the Gospel as often as we can.

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