Palo Blanco School

Palo Blanco School

In 2001, Kids Alive wanted to expand its outreach to children living in poor rural villages in Dominican Republic. After outgrowing the tiny one-room rented facility, new facilities were constructed to keep pace with the ever-growing children’s program. Palo Blanco School now serves over 260 children and youth with holistic care in a variety of programs.

Young children attend a pre-school class at the school on weekday mornings, which prepares them for Kindergarten. We provide a full-day Christian education through seventh grade, and children from the local public school can come in the afternoons for a healthy lunch and opportunities for educational enrichment. Reading, writing, Bible class, English, crafts, and tutoring are all offered at Palo Blanco.

Beyond the regular academics, we want to support the students as they begin to plan for a life beyond our school. From spiritual guidance to vocational training for high school students, our staff is committed to teaching and leading each child in the best way possible. For example, recently added aquaponics training not only provides fresh food, but stimulates interest in science. And after-school baseball and soccer provide healthy exercise and team-building.

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