Chikondi Children's Home

Chikondi Children's Home

Our two Chikondi Children’s Homes, located in the capital city of Lusaka, were opened to help respond to the huge numbers of children being orphaned as a result of the AIDS crisis. In each home we care for 12 children who have been orphaned or abandoned. The children receive nutritious meals, a quality education, and medical attention. Most importantly, each child learns about the love of Christ.

The homes were originally located in rented facilities, but we constructed the new Children’s Village in 2013 and took in our first boys. We will eventually have up to four homes on land we have purchased at the edge of the city.

In 2016 we started raising chickens, and the profits from selling them help us to be more self-sustaining in the village. We have two wells for water, including one that has a hand pump in case of a power outage. And in our shop, we sell the chickens, vegetables, excess electricity, and other household utilities to support our program. All of these allow us to provide for the kids’ current needs while giving them hope for a brighter future.

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