I Just Want To Help Kids!

I Just Want To Help Kids!

Here's my Gift to Help Children in Need

Every 15 seconds, another child becomes an HIV/AIDS orphan in Africa. War, poverty, malaria, hunger, preventable diseases, and abuse join these forces creating a world of children in crisis calling out for someone to help.

Since 1916, Kids Alive has often been these kids' only hope. Our doors have always been open to suffering children. At a moment’s notice we are often called upon to rescue children from life-threatening circumstances. Every child matters to us and our personal care reflects that. Because the need to care for children is never-ending, Kids Alive is always in a state of growth and expansion.

Your gift today – no matter how small or how large – goes to help suffering children worldwide.

You are often these kids' only hope! Thank you for caring. Please click here to see more ways to give!

My Gift

My Gift to Support a Child

  • $25.00
  • $50.00
  • $100.00
  • Other$

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