Park Care Center Site Partnership

Park Care Center Site Partnership

You can partner with Park Care Center to change children’s lives!

Home to more than 10 million people, Dominican Republic is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. In United Nations-sponsored studies, the Dominican Republic routinely ranks last in Latin American education. More than a quarter of children do not complete primary school, just over half go on to secondary school, and fewer than 20% graduate from high school, so the possibility of a better future is remote for many.

On the north coast, Park Care Center serves both Dominican and Haitian children from local impoverished communities. Kids Alive started the program in 2005 and has continued to expand facilities and services, with a focus on spiritual growth and basic education. Each child is taught reading, math, and Bible knowledge, as well as receiving a nutritious daily lunch, which is often the only food they will eat that day.

Last year, we received permission from the Dominican government to become an official school. We enrolled approximately 120 children in our first year and anticipate we will be able to grow to serve 200 children per day in the next several years. We also anticipate opening a vocational training space for high school age youth in the summer or fall of 2018.

Becoming a Site Partner…

Your commitment of $50 or $100 a month establishes you as a Park Care Center Site Partner, and you will receive:

  • • Two reports per year regarding the impact your gifts are making
  • • Personal stories of the individual children whose lives are being transformed
  • • Opportunities to join live webinars with the Country Director and other staff as they share the latest news, prayers requests, and site activities with you
  • • Email alerts in the case of national or local emergencies or situations impacting our work

Jesus said, “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” We have counted the cost, and we’re seeking those who will join us in being good stewards of all He has given us!

Support the ministry of Park Care Center with your commitment today!

Support the Ministry of Park Care Center Site Partnership with Your Gift Today.

  • $50.00
  • $100.00
  • Other$

How often would you like to give?

  • Monthly