Kenya Independence Fund

Kenya Independence Fund

The Independence Fund helps provide our older students with the funds needed for them to pursue their educational dreams and goals. Scholarships are awarded to qualified students to attend high school, university or vocational training and also help cover basic living expenses. These young adults have the desire and the knowledge to pursue a degree, but often have limited-to-no resources to fund their education and living expenses.

Recipients of the Independence Fund pursue vocations in a wide range of fields including doctors, teachers, lawyers, accountants, pastors or learn a vocational skill such as woodworking, sewing, mechanical repair and construction.

Kids Alive’s goal is to encourage the youth in our programs to complete their studies beyond 8th Grade. Enabling children from the poorest segment of the Dominican population to achieve a higher level of education will help them make a long-term positive impact in their local communities and beyond.

My Gift to Support a Child

  • $25.00
  • $50.00
  • $100.00
  • Other$

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